Okay well i shall start at the start haha.
Hvor smiler han, hvor er han gladhurra, hurra, hurra!men denne dag er også rarfor hjemme venter "Mom and Dad, whoever birthdayboy lives with"med dejlig chokolade og kager til.
Og når han hjem fra "school, place of work" gårhurra, hurra, hurra!så skal han hjem og holde festog hvem, der kommer med som gæstfår dejlig chokolade og kager til.
Til slut vi råber højt i kor:Hurra, hurra, hurra!Gid "Name of person celebrated" længe leve måog sine ønsker opfyldt fåmed dejlig chokolade og kager til.
Today is "SHANNONS"'s birthdayHooray! Hooray! Hooray!He'll probably get a presentFor which he has been wishingAll with tasty chocolate and cakes.
Oh, how he smiles; how happy he isHooray! Hooray! Hooray!But then, this day sure is nicecuz' "Mom and Dad, whoever birthdayboy lives with" are waiting at homewith tasty chocolate and cakes.
And when he goes home from his "school, place of work"Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!He'll be going home to throw a partyAnd all those invited as guestsGet tasty chocolate and cakes.
To end this we'll all shout together:Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!May "SHANNON" live longAnd have his wishes grantedAll with tasty chocolate and cakes."