My beautiful family and i Minus Viggo and harrold.

Christiana, the most hippy place i have ever been in my life. It was a Navy Zone in the old days but then when they Navy left there was nothing there so in the 1970s people came to make this "special place" where people who didnt want to live the way we do could go. They wanted a different way of living, their own way. Its very good to see, eye opener you could say. Kind of concidered like another country inside Denmark, with all its own ways. A place to buy some food, their own wood, materials everything. There own streets, mostly with tagging everywhere but it's not just tagging its ART. Most are young people i would say, trying to escape the real world and go to this "Place" But older people live there too. Selling weed on the streets and no police can really do anything about it. HIPPY you could say. You arn't alowed to take photographs in there either, because of the selling of drugs i guess.

Small childrens playground inside christiania. CUTE.
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