Monday, May 11, 2009

Konformation time.


Host mother dearest :) and troels.

Part of the fam and ny mor mor and ny mor far :)

Host father Dearest.Viggo and i looking at the birdys :)

This lion was SOOOOOOOOOOOO close to me, not through bars, cadges , only through the car... the lion was right next to my window.. NO ZOOM WAS USED!!!!!!

So pretty, wolf. I had never seen one before.

Old and New Photos from My phone.

Jakob and I eating ice cream on the warf.

Simone and i on an island.

Me in hospital. Bad picture, but hey i was in hospital!!!

BIG dolls house in Harrads in London. Girls like me only dream of :)

Cute danish cake.

Jakob and I

This Pretty Danish house, i see every time a walk to Jakobs house.

Sara and I in Odense.

PARIS!!!!! I was in France hehehe


Simone and i making *cough** eating a pavlova.

My lovely boyfriend wearing my pink hat.

Friday, May 1, 2009

LONDON <3 <3 <3

LONDON Yes you read the title right. LONDON
From the 22nd of April to the 27th Of April i was in Lovely London and frankly i want to move there now. It was simply splendid. A real city :)

And ofcourse they spoke ENGLISH. Damn was i happy to hear the voices all around me in a language i could really really understand. Ohh amazing. Something special to be in a country so similar to New Zealand. I sort of felt a little at home!!

So, first thing i should mention. It was Sara (my best friend in Denmark) and I, tripping it around in London. It was fantastic. Very indipendent actually, like Denmark-- Just catching underground trains everywhere, going all over london.

We stayed with a lovely couple-- Ex exchange student Don ( From Italy, went to Denmark ) and his girlfriend Lisa (From Denmark) , They also lived with a guy from Germany and a couple from New Zealand. Fancy that !!!! Oh and a girl from Australia was staying there with us too :)

Very cosy,staying with so many from all over the world.
On the first night, basically straight after we got there, we went straight to an english pub, well who knows if it was english it was painted like a Zebra haha But very Nice- Had my first Pint ever :)
Thursday we went to some markets, Called Camption town. Very vey interesting!! Like a little town for punks, goths. Old, new, tattoos, piercings, funky clothing, everything :) Kind of like Victoria Markets in Melbourne but better!! A little dodgy, but very awesome. Nearly got a tatto (sorry mum) Hence NEARLY. ha-ha.
Then went to the London Bridge, Very beautiful.
And later that night, we had a beautiful BBQ at home ( they lived right basically in the centre of business london ) Very nice :)

London ZOO- Many Animals from all over the world. Sara and i had made a deal to go to a ZOO in Denmark when i first came to Denmark, but that didnt seem to happen , so we decided to go to the Zoo in London insted :P
Notting Hill, Peter Pan, Markets, Buckingham Palace (was too far away sadly-- couldnt be bothered walking after a day of walking allover london you would have done the same)
Followed by an Italian dinner cooked by Don, and Very Very Sore feet.

Then we went sightseeing on the famous Big Red double decker bus :)

We saw many many many places. To see the London Eye and Big ben. Out to breakfast for English Breakfast-- actually exactlly the same as in NZ. Was so happy to see a real sausage!!!!!!!!! and eggs and backed beans and toast. totally normal :) Damn this was my element :)
We also went to Kings cross and To Platform 9- 3/4. And yes of course i am a witch. We also went on the Hogwarts Express and to Hogwards school. Haha I WISH. :P